After years of being away…I decided to start again

Many, many years ago i had a YouTube channel. The videos consisted mainly of radio shows, some outside broadcasts from events I had been a part of or organised e.t.c. I had the channel for about 10 years and then one day it got deleted. Hundreds of videos gone. I wasn’t happy and decided to step away from the platform.

I started dong my video broadcasts on Mixcloud and it’s the method by which most of my mixes are added on this platform. Mixcloud however has no facility for video playback or archive, YouTube does. So, I have decided to start uploading recorded mixes onto youTube to give you all accessin as many ways as I can at the moment.

So, whilst my mixes shall still be on Mixcloud, I shall be replicating them on my YouTube as well as other content you may find interesting. here’ sthe link, there’s not much there, but I have a few videos I shall be uploading over the coming weeks.

Feel free to subscribe so you get notified of uploads as well. Unfortunately Mixcloud doesn’t really do this in the same way.

Enjoy xx


Thank you for browsing my site.  I hope you found the info at least mildly interesting,

If you have an comments or ideas or interesting in any sort of collaboration, get in contact :)